Polish philologist, PhD in the Humanities, Assistant Professor in the Literature Department of Late 19th Century Literature, Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences, literary historian, editor of old texts of the 18th and 19th centuries (she participated in the following projects: Literatura konfederacji barskiej [Literature of the Bar Confederation] in 2005-2009, Edycja krytyczna pism wszystkich Bolesława Prusa [Critical Edition of the writings of Bolesław Prus] in 2012-2017, „Dzieła zebrane” (cz. I) i „Listy zebrane” Elizy Orzeszkowej. Edycja krytyczna [“Collected Works” (part I) and “Collected Letters” by Eliza Orzeszkowa. Critical Edition] – since 2020). Author and co-author of the source texts: critical edition of the novels of Bolesław Prus Dzieci [Children] and Przemiany [Transformations] (2019), as well as the articles in collective works, and articles and reviews in magazines („Napis” [“Inscription”], „Pamiętnik Literacki”, „Wiek XIX”, „Sztuka Edycji”, „Wiek Oświecenia”, „Prace Polonistyczne”. To see more: https://ibl.waw.pl/pl/o-instytucie/pracownicy/grabowskakuniczuk-agata).
Her main areas of interest are: the works of Bolesław Prus (with particular emphasis on the last stage of the writer’s life), biography, phenomena on the border of literature and culture, occasional and applied literature of the late 18th and second half of the 19th century, literary anecdote, scientific editing.
Co-editor of the academic yearbook „Napis. Pismo poświęcone literaturze okolicznościowej i użytkowej” [“Inscription. Periodical on Occasional and Applied Literature”] (deputy editor-in-chief from 2017).
Contact: agata.grabowska-kuniczuk@ibl.waw.pl