“Inscription” XXX (2024)

Crumbs of testimony. Inscriptions, initials, glosses in culture

„Inscription” special issue (2024)

Inscription. An Anthology 2

“Inscription” XXIX (2023)

Written with light. Photography – text and context

“Inscription” XXVIII (2022)

Spaces of intimacy

“Inscription” special issue (2022)

Inscription. An Anthology 1

“Inscription” XXVII (2021)

Isolation and communication – deliberations on the forms of literary and cultural communication

“Inscription” XXVI (2020)

Errare humanum est. Errors in humanities research, their types and consequences

“Inscription” XXV (2019) – Jubilee Edition

Souvenir, tribute and laudation in literature and culture

“Inscription” XXIV (2018)

Not only poem, not only the novel – Polish and Russian literature in the context of literary genres

“Inscription” XXIII (2017)

Letter as a specific literary genre

“Inscription” XXII (2016)

Transformation is a sine qua non for permanece. Paraphrases, continuations and literary allusions

“Inscription” XXI (2015)

The art of losing, the art of resignation. Self-restriction and self-censorship in culture

“Inscription” XX (2014)

„Through a zoom lens”. Chosen aspects of visuality in the culture of 19th century

“Inscription” XIX (2013)

Family picture album with a trauma looning in the background

“Inscription” XVIII (2012)

Taboo and shame

“Inscription” XVII (2011)

Visible and hidden in literature and culture

“Inscription” XVI (2010)

Literature and rituals

“Inscription” XV (2009)

The captive minds. Literature under pressure

“Inscription” XIV (2008)

Distorting mirror on the road. Literary satire, caricature, grotesque

“Inscription” XIII (2007)

The shadow of golden wings

“Inscription” XII (2006)

Bloody dawn, gloomy day…

“Inscription” XI (2005)

Words above boundries

“Inscription” X (2004)

Forms and norms of appropriateness

“Inscription” IX (2003)

Farewells, bearing in minds…

“Inscription” VIII (2002)

Polemics and a literary joke

“Inscription” VII (2001)

Bellona, Klio, Kamena… Literature and wars

“Inscription” VI (2000)

“Inscription” V (1999)

“Inscription” IV (1998)

“Inscription” III (1997)

“Inscription” II (1995)

“Inscription” I (1994)

Occasional and applied literature